DJ Resilienza Collettiva – Episode 11 | L’ora dell’aperitivo

Friday, 14 May 2021, 20:00-21:00

Episode 11 | L’ora dell’aperitivo

MA pines for the Milanese tradition of the ora dell’aperitivo and resorts to imagining a trip to her favourite bar in Milan, the Botanical Club as she tries to remember the exact ingredients of a their recipe for Gin & Tonic with ginger (which try as she might, she is unable to reproduce at home). “I am looking forward to a phase of lockdown which permits us to actually go and have a drink.” As the DJ set continues to gather speed, MA advises you to pace yourself. “This is not the time to mix your drinks. Stick to water, please!” (Reason being that we’re off to a club – or several – during the second half of the set).

Tune in for new episodes every Friday at 20h on Radio Cavolo!

The artist Miriam Aziz (“MA”) hosts a series of DJ Resilienza sets fusing a mixture of storytelling, advice for managing the impact of the pandemic on our day to day lives, and an excuse to, “Move your Groove”, as MA likes to say. Miriam Aziz was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the EUI between 2000-04.

Tor all further enquiries:
Instagram: @themaphd