DJ Resilienza Collettiva – Epsiode 12 | Zona Arancione

Friday, 21 May 2021, 20:00-21:00

Episode 12 | Zona Arancione

During the beginning of the Zona Arancione in Milan, MA embarks on a long walk to regain a sense of the city beyond the confines of her immediate neighbourhood. What was supposed to be a momentary source of joy ends up being an experience which leaves MA confused, uncomfortable and sad, as she realises that she views the city in the past tense, namely, before the pandemic struck last March. Standing outside the Cinema Anteo which remains closed, MA grieves for her pre-pandemic life which she gradually resolves by deciding to dance through the city, to take her space and (re) discover her place: “I will not shrink to fit to a postage stamp sized version of myself! I will take up my space.” Dance with me.