Diffusione Fiaba by and with Elena Asciutti – Special – Storytelling Advent Calendar 2023, Day 24

Sunday, 24 Dec 2023, 12:00-12:30

On 24 December 2023, Diffusione Fiaba is keen to broadcast the 24th and last storyteller and tale of the Storytelling Advent Calendar 2023, organised by the friend storyteller Simona Stambazzi, with the participation of 24 storytellers across the world.

As the very traditional advent calendar, since 1st December 2023, Radio Cavolo audience has discovered a new story day after day. We trust you have enjoyed them and felt a little bit more of warmth and a glimmer of hope through the 24 tales dedicated to kindness, peace and generosity.

The stories are also available on Simona’s YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/@simonasstories. If you wish to support the Storytelling Advent Calendar and thank the 24 involved storytellers, you can please donate through www.facebook.com/donate/3299897723565924. The funds raised will support cancer research by the Fondazione AIRC (www.airc.it).

Diffusione Fiaba thanks its audience for listening and supporting its radio storytelling project! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Festivities! In 2024, let’s stay tuned for continued storytelling!