Diffusione Fiaba di Elena Asciutti – Replica della Puntata S0.2 #15 “Africa ed Europa: Patrimoni di narrazione” – Re-run of the Episode S0.2 #15 “Africa and Europe: Storytelling heritages”

Friday, 21 May 2021, 10:00-11:30

IT – Replica della Puntata #15 – 21 May 2021, 10h00 (CET) – “Africa ed Europa: Patrimoni di narrazione”

In questa puntata di “Diffusione Fiaba”, Elena Asciutti incontra e dialoga con l’artista e narratrice Anna Mudeka e la rappresentante della Federazione per la Narrazione Europea Katty Van Kerkhove, alla scoperta delle tradizioni orali in Africa e in Europa. La puntata è in inglese.

Music(a): “L’Internationale” by Downtown Boys; Traditional Zimbabwe Song with Mbira played live by Anna Mudeka; “The unarmed Gatherer” by Grayson Project (Music by Jan Borré; Voice and Cello: Jasmijn Lootens); “Mani Mani Kuru” by Ketama, Toumani Diabate, Danny Thompson

EN – Re-run of Episode #15 – 21 May 2021, 18h00 (CET) – “Africa and Europe: Storytelling heritages”

In this episode of “Diffusione Fiaba”, Elena Asciutti meets and talks with the artist and storyteller Anna Mudeka and the representative of the Federation for European Storytelling Katty Van Kerkhove, to discover oral traditions in Africa and Europe. The episode is in English.