Diffusione Fiaba – Special | Reporting from the European Storytelling Conference 2021

Thursday, 07 Oct 2021, 13:45-19:00

Elena Asciutti, storyteller by passion, launches “Diffusione Fiaba – Season 3” with a special international live broadcast from Svendborg (Denmark), in occasion of the the European Storytelling Conference 2021, whose theme is “Innovation on the Shoulders of Tradition”.

The Conference focuses on innovation of the performing art in this changing world, innovation of the tradition of oral storytelling and the role of tradition in renewing the art.

The Conference is organised by the Federation for Storytelling (FEST) and hosted by the Fortaeler i Danmark (FIDA), with the support of Creative Europe/European Commission.

Programme for Thursday 7 October:

13h45: Intro by Elena Asciutti
14h00 – 15h30: Live broadcast of the workshop “Storytelling and Digital Art”, Kasper Soresen
16h00 – 17h30: Live broadcast of the workshop “Learning like Andersen”, Rikke Jahn Svinding
18h00 – 19h00: Elena meets and exchanges with storytellers Agnieszka Ayşen Kaim and Csenge Zalka, “exchange on storytelling traditions in practice in the 21st Century”

Learn about FEST and discover the programme of the European Storytelling Conference 2021 here: https://fest-network.eu/the-conference.

Info on FIDA is here: https://fortaellereidanmark.dk