EDI Podcast

Sunday, 03 Dec 2023, 15:00-15:45

What is equity, diversity, and inclusion? What happens when someone is excluded from society because of who they are? How do underrecognised groups look at the way the EDI discourse is framed in our societies? How can we contribute to empowering equity, diversity, and inclusion at the EUI? These are just some of the many questions covered in the new podcast series the Elephant in the room.

In the first episode, Giuseppe Zago, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer at the EUI, is joined by Professor Monika Baar, currently the Director of Graduate Studies of the Department of History at the EUI, and expert in the History of Disability. Read more about Professor Baar in this article.

The speakers discuss the International Day of Persons with Disabilities which was proclaimed in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The international day, celebrated globally every year on 3 December, is about promoting the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities at every level of society and development, and to raise awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life.

As the conversation progresses, speakers will share their experiences and insights, providing listeners with perspectives and practical takeaways on important questions:
• Why having an International Day of People with Disabilities? Where did the idea come from?
• What protective measures does the United Nations put in place for people with disabilities?
• How is disability conceptualised in international human rights law?
• How is disability perceived socially and represented in the media?
• What does the EUI do to help and support students, faculty and staff members with disability or specific needs?