SNailS #2 – Exploring anti-fascism

Monday, 26 Apr 2021, 20:00-21:00

The SNailS are continuing their slow journey. From the stunning mountain scenery of Monte Di Fò to the urban areas of Florence, in our second episode we take you on a voyage of discovery around the happenings of the 25th of April, the day that commomerates the end of the Nazi occupation of Italy and the victory of the Resitenza. We dive deep into the universe of Florence’s present-day antifa struggles with contributions from the studentato autogestito PDM, the Sentieri partigiani initiative and the palestra popolare gogo rigacci. And internationally, we introduce you to what’s been happening in India’s recent unprecedented farmers strike. We end with a multilingual poetic excursion through time and space that narrates the stories of how artists, poets and activists around the world resisted fascism through their words, art creations, and actions in their daily lives.